Tropical Saturated Landscapes
Location: online
Type: workshop
Status: completed
Year: summer 2020
for Non School
Webpage: https://www.non-school.com/workshop/
Location: online
Type: workshop
Status: completed
Year: summer 2020
for Non School
Webpage: https://www.non-school.com/workshop/
Tropical Saturated Landscapes was a workshop aimed to collectively reflect about new forms of multi-species coexistence, engaging with urban natural/artificial spaces, through fiction and storytelling techniques.
The group has "virtually" transformed a series of selected urban environments, augmenting the possibilities of coexistence within them, by densifying and "saturating" relevant conditions and (architectural) elements.
Based on specific species, participants have collected habitat-like components through 3d scanning and altered them through 3d modeling techniques, to later recombine them in micro landscapes in an online virtual reality world.
Students have been organized in a few sub-groups for more effective organization of the work, variable depending on the final number of participants. Each sub-group have pre-selected and studied a specific type of "non-human" species from a proposed list from tropical urban environments.
The workshop has been organized around four main sessions: Research, Scan/Collect, Tweak, (Re)compose Micro Landscapes.