S.I.D. Siam Innovation District
Location: Siam Square One
Type: Interior Renovation Status: completed
Year: May 2017 - February 2018
Team: Aj. Preechaya Sittipunt, Alicia Lazzaroni, Antonio Bernacchi
Collaborators: Dee Pridi Hengsadeekul, Earn Khanachai Kittisorayut, Boat Kamphol Kitwirat, Joe Chatchai Chaipara
Location: Siam Square One
Type: Interior Renovation Status: completed
Year: May 2017 - February 2018
Team: Aj. Preechaya Sittipunt, Alicia Lazzaroni, Antonio Bernacchi
Collaborators: Dee Pridi Hengsadeekul, Earn Khanachai Kittisorayut, Boat Kamphol Kitwirat, Joe Chatchai Chaipara
The space of Siam Innovation District (SID) within Siam Square One has been conceived as a space for experimentation, learning, making and showcase of innovative creativity.
Innovation happens in the workshops and ‘messy’ laboratories, where experimentation can be developed freely and where the coexistence of multiple activities inspire each other.
At SID all technologies are exposed, including their back side, and all spaces are designed to be rearranged and activated by the users and their participation. Therefore there are minimum fixed partitions: space can be subdivided through translucent high-performance acoustic curtains, that enable seclusion.
All materials are very durable and scratch proof, to allow maximum freedom of action, and the metal tubes of the claddings and ceiling frame can support multiple add-ons through hooks, clamps, or simply magnets. The ceiling frame also contains power sockets, evenly spread around to support an efficient use of technological devices anywhere in the space.
The process involved the design of all customized furniture including tables of different size and finish, chairs, stools, poufs, and display stands.